
This Scylla is painted in the colors of Clan Steel Viper Gamma Galaxy

Gamma Galaxy: Striking Serpent Galaxy

In the days before the Steel Vipers occupied the Inner Sphere, Gamma painted its machines a gun metal blue-grey with a Steel Viper snake skin covering many of the surfaces. Once the invasion was underway, the warriors of Gamma Galaxy changed their scheme to use the serpents of Terra. These schemes doubly serve as camouflage and various species are used to appropriately match the terrain. Out of tradition, the Galaxy Commander always uses the original Steel Viper Gamma scheme. Warriors are not allowed to display the Gamma insignia until their first kill.

The insignia of Gamma Galaxy depicts an over-sized steel viper biting into the leg of a Summoner BattleMech.

Per FM: Warden Clans, page 145.

Members of Gamma sometimes use the pattern of the Gaboon Viper along with a dirty gray paint scheme for urban camo